The most important machine
people are concerned with is
their personal vehicle.
Whether it’s a tired older engine
or newer one you want to protect,
this is the right place to be.
Running marine engines
is very expensive.
Whether you like fishing and

you want a quieter engine
or are more of a thrill-seeker

in love with speed,
we can help.
The average over-the-road driver
hits over 45,000 miles per year,
with over 145 Bn miles as a
group. Diesel engines are the
workhorses of our nation.
Truckers need to stretch every
dime, too!
Tens of millions of people in this nation
use off-road engines for recreation,
for work or survival.
The last thing you need when you’re
deep in the outback is to
have a breakdown.
A large portion of many companies’
budget is for maintenance and re-
pair of critical machines. When you
extend the life of that equipment,
you help keep costs down, wages
up and everybody wins.
Farming and Ranching has become
a very competitive business.
No matter the equipment,
friction-proofing is highly
recommended to reduce wear
and tear and operating expenses
Since they’re usually made of stuff
that wears out fairly quickly, they
start smoking and get harder and
harder to start. With only a few
drops of our formula, you’ll be


No matter what machine you’re talking about, friction is the real enemy.
And there’s nothing better on the market for that than
ReVive-All by Gadgetman.

Do you have special needs,
want to ask us something or are
interested in volume pricing,
why don’t you

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